jeudi 4 août 2005

I might be wrong....

I've never been in an accident, only a small hit and run once and a bumber scratched so I might be wrong but... Something struck me with what happened at the Toronto Airport as it did when the Tsunami hit last December. Survivors are questionning the way they are treated by crew at Air France and at Canadian customs. I heard 2 man complained that no one knew what to do with them, blankets were missing while they were shivering from the cold and rain, Passports stamped twice by customs as they were questionned twice, left to go home without any idea what to do next and so on and so on. To a certain degree I can understand they are nervous but shouldn't they know that this was a catastrophy and people INCLUDING THE CREW AND EMPLOYEES are a little more stressed than usual so therefore whatever they learned as safety measures they might have forgotten a little that day?

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