lundi 30 mai 2005

The 30 seconds sitcom!

And so you thought you'd just buy a TIVO (or a PVR in Canada) and that way you could skip the commercials and watch your 20 minutes sitcom or 40 minutes Law and Order by skiping all the commercials. Well you thought wrong. Ads execs came up with a great idea, why not incorporate ads right in our favorite shows! Won't happen? Well ever thought about all the CTU staff in 24 driving only FORD 4X4? Bernie Mac popping Rolaids in one of his show, Extreme Makeover shopping "exclusively" at Sears for their furnitures and accesories.... You thought you could skip ads? Not when you're dealing with a 10 Billion / year revenue business.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

ça fait longtemps que le procédé existe au cinéma... d'ailleurs, si je me rappelle bien le pire cas c'est le film avec Tom Hanks sur une île déserte que les cinéphiles avaient surnommé "Federal express: the movie"... ;)

Unknown a dit...

Moi qui travaille chez Purolator, les grincements de dents.........

cbl-the-flyers-fan a dit...

Gratton l'a fait dans Elvis II