lundi 2 mai 2005

Evolution is on trial.

Throught the Kansas board of education, the IDN (Intelligent Design Network) is conducting an hearing against teaching about evolution in schools. They will argue that the Earth was "created through intentional design rather than random organism evolution" and they believe that God was the ultimate designer of all life. Debates over evolution are currently being waged in more than a dozen states, including Texas where one bill would allowing for creationism to be taught alongside evolution.
I have to say that if this is the effort Christian America is pulling to get people into God rather than science, something is going wrong! click here for info

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Il y a aussi une réforme controversée du cours de géographie car il se pourrait qu'on enseigne aux enfants qu'il y a d'autres pays dans le monde que les United States of America, la Grande-Bretagne et l'Irak... ;)

Unknown a dit...

Savent-ils que le Canada existe?