jeudi 7 avril 2005

Do we (really) need critics?

I have to say I was surprised this morning reading the Gazette. Let me correct myself, I was floored by the comments made by T'CHA DUNLEVY on the Duran Duran concert last night. I went to the show and thought it was pretty good, so did my cousin, my sister and by the look on everyone's face after the show, so does everyone else at the Bell centre. I didn't expect to see the kind of show U2 would pull up, but I got my money's worth. This brings me to T'cha. Here's a sample :"Duran Duran just didn't do it. The least you expect when you go see big (boy-)bands of old is a mindless party. But this party was stop and go at best, and even then, it never got off the ground. Astronaut? Hya, right."
I thought about it for a while and really couldn't recall when everyone was seated for more than 5 mins during the concert. My problem is not the fact that someone is reporting on the show, it's more that someone is reporting his/her taste in music. In all fairness, I couldn't for the life of me be expected to write a good piece on Pat Boone when I think he sucks, it just wouldn't be fair. Make this comment as good for any other thing where (individual) taste is involved such as movies, arts, dance etc.

That's why i'm asking, do we need critics to show?
Wouldn't plain old reporting do?

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